Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many semesters is an academic year? Three. January to March, May to July, September to November.

  2. How much is tuition per annum? $1500

  3. How many children do you sent to the two schools annually? So far we are limited to five. We hope to increase this number once we get more sponsors.

  4. How is money send to Kenya? Through an App called Wave. It is instant and free of Charge.

  5. Who processes the money? St. Mary of the Angels Franciscan Fraternity only processes some of the money transactions, and for other reasons, produces records. It also gives tax exemption letters to donors.

  6. How is this scholarship funding viewed in the community and at the different schools? As an asset. It is sen as very helpful and inspiring for children. People get excited to se their children attend Catholic boarding schools.

  7. How do I donate? There are many ways to donate:

    1. Prayer is the first. Then one can sponsor any of the parents’ projects. Third, sponsoring a child at $1500 annually. This is tuition, room, and board, and uniforms for a child. if you would like to donate and would like a Tax Receipt Letter, you may send the money to Paul Devitt’s Franciscan Fraternity—which has agreed to provide a tax conduit for this. As Treasurer, Devitt ( will send you the Tax Letter. The ECI will also be advised as to who provided the donation and if there are any special requests like: boy or girl, grade level etc. the address is: St. Mary of the Angels Franciscan Fraternity, 316 6th Avenue, LaGrange, IL 60525. There is also a donation button at the bottom of our website pages for online donations.